So I a life long Queens girl who drives all around Queens to Long Island took the train with my 2 kids. I left the 2 yr old at home with dad...even he was nervous about that. But with the 2 oldest it wasn't so bad. We met up with my friend and her son at the Hall of Science and had a ball. We got there at 2p for the free admission and took our time going through the experiments. It was just so much fun. 3 hours late we made our way home on the train again. Not too bad, I thought we would run into the crowded subway but it was not the case. Overrall I think I prefer going on our outtings when i don't have to worry about school kids.
I've been thinking about curriculum and what is the best thing to get. I know i wanted some really interesting history and science books. Math was another area I considered purchasing curriculum because I just wasn't sure how many math drills would I be able to come across online.
I finally decided on Singapore Math curriculum which I've heard alot of good things about, REAL Science which is supposed to be a really fun and easy to explore science curriculum, History Odyssey Lessons which is an interesting and fun lesson plan book (I was confused with this. I thought it was an actual history book in itself but it is not. I have to get the resources to complete it.) I did purchase a couple of books that I could not find at the library. I spent $68 on the REAL Science and History--The Math books I got free through a website called and the extra resources were a little under $40. So I total of $108 on a first grade curriculum. I borrowed a book as an extra math resource called "Family Math" which uses regular household items to play games and teach math. I print most of the spelling/reading/grammer things out online. I liked the "five in a row" reading curriculum but decided I could print out the list myself, borrow the books from the library and come up with my own lessons. We're starting with "How to make an apple pie and see the world" and I found 2 very interesting lesson plans online. It really is so easy to pull together a lesson I wonder did I really even need to spend as much money as I did. I say yes only because the Science and History stuff doesn't come as easy to me and I want Nala to have a strong comprehensive knowledge of all that stuff.
Today, Sunday is going to be our home economics day I told Nala...we will do read our book "How to make an apple pie..." and create and follow our own recipe for a pumpkin pie. We will also make time to practice sewing again because I really want to get it. Once I figure out how to thread this needle on the machine we can start creating our own projects..maybe a pillow or something easy. I'm very excited about it and hope I can figure this out.
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